So Over It Now.
drama is everyones friend. but not mine. there was another girl. she made me mad everytime i saw her and talked to her. she pissed me off all the time. she made me almost puke everytime i hung out with her, because she got to me so bad. i finally told her, not only am i done with you, like i had been for months, but i told her i never wanted to talk to her again. she flipped out. she kept trying, to no avail. i wouldnt let her get back in this time. she found out that i was talking to another girl who she had problems with. she dragged me into them. i tried to let it go, i tried not to do anything about it. she threatened me and everyone around me. im guilty myself, i contributed to it, i called her phone, and i called her work. she never came that day to beat everyones ass like she said she would. she came a few days later with two other people that im sure ive written about before. i wonder why they felt the need to get involved. i wonder how i wronged them so much that they just had to fuck me over. i tried to keep shit from escalating. at first. then i got pissed. this girl wouldnt give me my shit ( one thing she told me she would never try to do to me ). i grabbed her cellphone and went and stood on the property so she could come get it. of course she didnt. i went to give it back and the other girl talked mad shit and decided to jump out the car, come up on the property with me, and hit me in the face a few times. i stayed cool. i didnt do shit. it was only when she wrapped her hands around my neck that i tried to free myself to walk away. she ended up stepping off the curb and falling. i went down with her, because i didnt want her to hit her head on the ground. the whole time the other two in the car were yelling about how i hit her and shit. try again. thats one thing ive never done, and would never do. the neighbor saw everything happen. the cops got called and didnt do shit. later that day we got set up. i knew it would happen. they came for me apparently. not because of the girl in the altercation above, but because of the driver that day. when they came for me i wasnt around. i was on my way to go somewhere. they accidently went after a different person and not me. i got arrested that night. because i didnt see how it was right for everyone to be involved. when i was talking to the cops i saw people that shouldnt have been there and i got a lil pissed. that was my fault. o well. once again i stayed in jail. over a fifty fuckin dollar bond. everyone was there at the police station. including the people that shouldnt have been there. fuck you. and now the people continue to harrass and stalk and just be immature. i called the cops cause im sick of it. that makes me a cop caller i guess. but that was the last resort. id rather call the cops to end the bullshit than have to keep dealing with it. it didnt end anyway, these people are finding other ways to fuck with me. like reporting my cellphone stolen, and prank calling me, and taking my voicemail off. when will you all grow up? i didnt do shit to any of yall. and if you cant be civial then dont get mad that it came to this. you brought it to this. these people will never have any respect from me. theyll never have anything to do with me. cause im not going through it again. its done. this certain girl is now dating her ex that i knew from the begining she still had feelings for. basically she fucked with my head and my heart the whole time, not to mention she was a big waste of time. i dont understand how people can be this way, but im almost over it now. yall do what you want, say what you want, be who you want, and it will all come back to you. cause im noto getting inolved anymore. "ill be there to laugh"- doesnt even apply anymore. cause i just wont be there. i lost all of my belongings, a place to lay my head, my job, "friends", "family", a very special lil girl, etc. but at least i didnt lose my dignity, my self respect, my heart and my mind. i wont let yall take that from me. in my eyes youre all dead. youre all pieces of shit. and nothing is sacred or whole to you people. everything you say is a lie, youre very manipulative, two faced, abusing pieces of shit and im done.
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